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  • 发布日期:2016-03-03 13:26
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 设计师区域:辽宁大连市
  • 浏览次数196
  • 留言咨询

Shizi Fashion Design Studio

商贸需求 Needs of Trade Services

/承接品牌设计策划 Brand Design & Planning

/原创设计输出 /买手募集/寻求品牌合作

/Creative Fashion Development/Buyer Raise/Seeking Cooperation

/承接针织服装设计 Knitwear Design

品牌 Brands

TPOK/ In & Out



Leisure clothes/Linen/Knitwear

联系 Contact

地址: 辽宁省大连市轻工苑1号,大连工业大 学服装学院

Address: School of Fashion, Dalian Polytechnic University, No. 1, Qinggong Court, Ganjingzi District, Dalian

Tel.: 139-4085-8107

E-mail: 13940858107@163.com Website: http://fzxy.dep.dlpu.edu.cn/



柿子时装设计工作室位于大连市甘井子区轻工苑1号大连工业大学服装学院313室,工作室旗下的原创设计师品牌有“In & Out”和“TPOK”。品牌设计灵感多来自东方历史和文化形式,并继承了当代艺术风格特点,懂得将矛盾与冲突糅合到一起形成一种新的、更具戏剧感的独特设计风格。讲究多元化的融合,同时以感性与理性交替的眼光去欣赏及创作。表达了一个崇尚独立自主、远离城市喧嚣,不愿随波逐流、坚持自我完成的东方女性形象。

  柿子时装设计工作室是一家以中国设计师王适老师领衔的专业服装设计与服装品牌策划机构。集服装设计、商品企划、服装样衣开发和制作于一体的综合性的机构。工作室设计秉承诚信、尽责、合作、创新、分享的核心价值观,以设计服务提升品牌为使命,致力成为中国一流的服装设计服务平台。同时,自有原创品牌“In & Out”需求合作伙伴,共同创建属于东方风格的服饰文化。


As an independent designer brand under Shi zi Fashion Design Studio, In & Out Brand is located in the School of Fashion,room 313, Dalian Polytechnic University, No. 1, Qinggong Court, Ganjingzi District, Dalian. This brands inspiration of design comes from the East history and culture. Inherited the style of contemporary art, understand the contradiction and difference can mix up together to create a new and unique design style which has more sense of drama. Pay attention to the fusion of diversified styles, to appreciate and create with perceptual and rational perspective at the same time. Above all, this brand wants to show the image of The East woman, who is away from the noisy, do not follow the public, hold on to themselves, stubborn and strong.


ShiZi fashion design studio is a professional clothing design and clothing brand planning agency led by Wang Shi .The studio major in Fashion design, development and planning, Sample development and production. Tne core values

of Studio is the integrity, responsibility, cooperation, innovation, sharing, to design services to enhance the brand as the mission, to become China's top fashion design service platform. At the same time, “In & Out” is seeking partners. It hope we together to establish the Oriental style of women.


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